9/16/07 - This Painted Turtle Hatchling was rescued by passersby on the road adjacent to Bullough's Pond. It is about the size of a Quarter. During August & September, Painted & Snapping Turtle eggs hatch, and the hatchlings make their way to wetlands to overwinter. Many are killed by predators or cars. Last year I found a squashed Snapping Turtle hatchling in the road near Bullough's Pond. As I wrote in June, adult turtle road mortality is a significant conservation issue in Massachusetts.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Turtle Hatchling
9/16/07 - This Painted Turtle Hatchling was rescued by passersby on the road adjacent to Bullough's Pond. It is about the size of a Quarter. During August & September, Painted & Snapping Turtle eggs hatch, and the hatchlings make their way to wetlands to overwinter. Many are killed by predators or cars. Last year I found a squashed Snapping Turtle hatchling in the road near Bullough's Pond. As I wrote in June, adult turtle road mortality is a significant conservation issue in Massachusetts.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
92 Birds
On April 28, I reported siting my 50th bird species in Newton during 2007. With the observation of a Black-crowned Night Heron on August 2, I am up to 92 bird species for the year. Some highlights include a Common Loon at Crystal Lake and an Orchard Oriole at Bullough's pond. Fall is a great time to observe migrant songbirds, sparrows, and waterfowl in Newton, at sites such as Crystal Lake, Charles River, Nahanton Park, Hammond Woods.
Species |
american crow |
american goldfinch |
american redstart |
american robin |
american woodcock |
barn swallow |
belted kingfisher |
black and white warbler |
black duck |
blackburnian warbler |
black-capped chickadee |
black-crowned night heron |
blackpoll warbler |
black-throated blue warbler |
black-throated green warbler |
blue jay |
blue-gray gnatcatcher |
brown creeper |
brown-headed cowbird |
bufflehead |
canada goose |
canada warbler |
carolina wren |
cedar waxwing |
chimney swift |
chipping sparrow |
common flicker |
common grackle |
common loon |
common merganser |
common nighthawk |
common yellowthroat |
cooper's hawk |
double-crested cormorant |
downy woodpecker |
eastern bluebird |
eastern kingbird |
eastern pewee |
eastern pheobe |
european starling |
golden-crowned kinglet |
gray catbird |
great blue heron |
great-crested flycatcher |
green heron |
herring gull |
hooded merganser |
house finch |
house sparrow |
house wren |
killdeer |
least flycatcher |
magnolia warbler |
mallard |
mourning dove |
mute swan |
northern cardinal |
northern flicker |
northern junco |
northern mockingbird |
northern oriole |
northern parula |
northern rough-winged swallow |
orchard oriole |
ovenbird |
palm warbler |
pine warbler |
red-bellied woodpecker |
red-eyed vireo |
red-tailed hawk |
red-winged blackbird |
ring-billed gull |
ring-necked duck |
rock dove |
rose-breasted grosbeak |
rough-winged swallow |
ruddy duck |
rufous-sided towhee |
savannah sparrow |
scarlet tanager |
song sparrow |
tree swallow |
tufted titmouse |
turkey vulture |
warbling vireo |
white-breasted nuthatch |
white-throated sparrow |
wild turkey |
wood duck |
wood thrush |
yellow warbler |
yellow-rumped warbler |
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