Monday, June 8, 2009

Pitcher Plant

Here's A Pitcher Plant in full flower located within easy walking distance of Newton. This magnificent plant can digest insects and other invertebrates in its "pitcher."

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bird Nesting Season

Mid-May through June is a great time to observe nesting birds. Here is a photograph of a female Robin collecting mud in my garden to construct its nest. The weather had been dry, so the bird was "crazy" for mud. It flew within 3-5 feet of me, stayed for some time collecting mud, and returned repeatedly.

Here are two additional photographs of nests I observed recently outside of Newton, but in eastern Massachusetts. The first photograph is of an Eastern Towhee nest. This species nests directly on the ground.
The next photograph is of a Veery nest in a low shrub. The blue eggs belong to the Veery, while the speckled egg belongs to the parasitic Brown-headed Cowbird. This species is a threat to many native neotropical migrants in our area. I don't know if either of these species currently nest in Newton. It would be great to do a breeding bird atlas for our City...