Here are photos of an adult and juvenile Spotted Turtle taken recently in southeastern Massachusetts. Several years ago I discovered this species within the
Brook Farm Historic Site just south of the Newton border. This species almost certainly occurs in Newton in the Wells Avenue
Charles River Path area. Although it was likely more widespread in the past, it is unlikely that the Spotted Turtle still occurs elsewhere in Newton.

Until fairly recently, the Spotted Turtle was listed as a species of Special Concern, protected by the
Massachusetts Endangered Species Act. Although the species was determined to be somewhat more widespread than previously thought, Spotted Turtles are
vulnerable to road traffic and other threats, and are likely declining in Massachusetts.
It is interesting to explore which species
manage to persist in urban and high density suburban landscapes such as Newton. The other native turtle species occurring in Newton are the
Painted Turtle,
Snapping Turtle, and
Musk Turtle. It is likely that
Eastern Box Turtles and
Wood Turtles historically occurred in Newton, but have been extirpated. In April and May look out for basking turtles and in June look for nesting turtles. Here's a
closeup photo of a hatchling Painted Turtle from
Bullough's Pond.